As I sit here listening to the live recording from Albion Venable's set at Camp Cosmic this year for the umpteenth time, I find myself having flashing backs to the glorious festivities on a continual basis, even one month later since the unforgettable gathering took place.
This year I wanted to bring colour and queerness in abundance to the already stellar lineup so I asked some of my brilliant performance artist friends residing in Berlin at the time to join together to form the cabaret show: THIS IS NOT A CULT. We performed this variety show twice over the weekend and it felt right to bring a glitzy performance element to the party.
On Sunday, I performed live and DJ’d directly after on the Mond Stage. It was to date, my favourite set of all time. In the nine years I have been performing my Gaff-E show, I have never felt so connected with the crowd. The vibe was next level and I felt like I was channelling the good joo-joo Sacha Mambo and friends had transferred to me the night before combined with inner goddess powers upon the crowd who needed that extra kick for the final night. I was on top of the speakers dancing bare breasted, hypnotised by the epic sunset in front of me with the biggest smile.
There was a dance floor moment later that night when I transformed into a psychedelic lizard queen while Albion was playing where a part of my throat opened up to release a sound that I can best describe as a noise a cheetah warrior woman transcended direct from deep in the jungle would make. Fortunately, I am still able to make this sound so I have been doing it in my live shows ever since. Friends who were in the tent with me sweating it out, described me as Albion’s personal Snake Charmer. This made me laugh cause I totally knew what they meant. It was like his music had possessed me and I was the centre of a shamanic ritual. When we exited the tent Monday morning after HOURS of dancing, I felt cleansed and reset. So much healing had taken place. I felt ALIVE! As I was appreciating just how good I felt, I looked into the distance to discover a magnificent tree dancing in the wind all lit up and full of life as LIGHTENING BOLTS surrounded it. Talk about COSMIC ENERGY…!
Being part of real magic like this is an utter privilege and I am so thankful to have these cosmic souls in my life. I can not toot the horn for Camp Cosmic enough. I wish all festivities were like this. The world needs this music for deep healing to begin...
I am a WILD WOMAN and this Feral Cat is happy and content. Thank you to all souls involved. Every single body added something special to creating Camp Cosmic. Until next year……. STAY FREAKY!
(this shot of Albion and myself was taken at Wet Delights - a Camp Cosmic reunion from last weekend!)